Sunday, March 4, 2007

Welcome to the Department of Psychology Blog!

Welcome to the Department of Psychology, the home of approximately 300 majors and thousands of alumni from our inception in the late 1950's. The Department of Psychology has a rich history dating to Dr. Goins, the first chair and followed by Dr. E.E. Johnson, Dr. C Waddell, Dr. A.B. Johnson, Dr. Cecil Duncan, Dr. Ross Evans, and currently, Dr. Murelle G. Harrison. Psychology was recognized as a science on our campus under the leadership of Dr. E.E. Johnson who was instrumental in securing space for experimental and physiological laboratories, equipment, and funds for student development. In the Consent Decree agreement of the early 1980s, Dr. A. B. Johnson added an undergraduate and graduate degree programs in rehabilitation. We became the Department of Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling Programs with 17 faculty members and almost 500 students. These programs remained a part of the Department until Fall 2003. The faculty’s diversity in psychological training, schools they attended, and research interests attests to the comprehensiveness of our academic program.

Cognizant of employment challenges for bachelor level psychology graduates and that many graduates are not interested in advanced degrees, the Department developed a substance abuse option that does not require any additional credits for graduation. The substance abuse counseling certification board mandates 30 credits in human services courses with 12 credits being substance abuse. Our majors can take these 12 credits as part of the 15 credits required for psychology majors. Furthermore, we have developed working relationships with local substance abuse clinics that offer our students opportunities to begin fulfilling the 4,000 clinic hours required by the certification board and can simultaneously receive Field Experience credit.

We are a “customer friendly” department; recognizing that our “raison d’etre” or “reason for being” is to meet the needs of our students. An advisor is immediately identified for each student who transfers to the Department. A plan for graduation is written and maintained in the advisor’s office. Majors are encouraged to meet regularly with advisors. Departmental convocations are held in the Fall and Spring semesters to keep majors abreast of graduation requirements, available supplemental activities, and important dates for University deadlines as well as departmental services. Students are strongly encouraged to become involved in the Psychology Club, Psi Chi, Self Help/Self Care, research activities, and other activities pertinent to their life goals. Emails are intermittently sent to majors to remind them of upcoming events. A “Senior Rose” reception is held in the fall and spring semesters to recognize all graduating seniors. Career Day is held annually each spring to provide networking opportunities for Field Experience, employment, summer research programs, and graduate school. Our 16-unit computer laboratory is available daily for students’ use. The aim is to give students the foundation that will form the trajectory of their lives.

We invite you to peruse our blog and become better acquainted with us. For more information, please feel free to contact me at

Murelle G. Harrison

Chair of Department of Psychology

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